[dpdk-ci] November 19, 2020 Community CI Meeting Minutes

Lincoln Lavoie lylavoie at iol.unh.edu
Thu Nov 19 21:54:06 CET 2020

Hi All,

Minutes from today's meeting:

November 19, 2020


1. Lincoln Lavoie
2. Trishan de Lanerolle
3. Lijuan Tu
4. Aaron Conole
5. Brandon Lo
6. James Hendergart
7. Ruifend Wang
8. Tomasz Zawadki
9. Zhaoyan Chen
10. Thomas Monjalon


1. CI Status
2. Test Development
3. Any other business


CI Status


* BUG-210 (Patches with dependency fails to apply): Syntax is now
official in the documentation, should be possible to update the script
to look for / parse this information.
   * Owen from the UNH team is working on this ticket.
* BUG-511 (Add check if performance tests are needed): This can also
be implemented to avoid running unnecessary testing.
   * Owen from the UNH team is working on this ticket.
* How to deal with failures from downstream project integrations (i.e.
   * For example, if there is a planned change, like an API change,
this could break things, in an expected way.  This would cause
failures to be reported from the CI.
   * Another similar example could be a known failure (i.e. bad patch
merged), that has a fix in progress, but it not yet merged, yet all
other patches look to fail for the same reason, can cause confusion to
developers, etc.
   * Could use a process where maintainers are able to make a request
to pull a CI test from production (i.e. reporting to patchworks), by
opening a Bugzilla ticket.  Labs will act on the ticket, but it MUST
remain open until the test is put back into production.  Reporting
maintainer “owns” / assigned the ticket.

Travis CI / OBS

* Travis CI - No updates
* OBS - flooded OpenSUSE lab for storage, needed to reduce the number
of objects being built.  This is fixed for now, but it’s turned off
until there is a deletion strategy in place.
* When to expunge branches from the Github repo, which causes storage
issues.  Test Robot system creates a branch for each patch series, but
it doesn’t have a clear “end point” for when that series is “done” and
the branch can be removed.

UNH-IOL Community Lab

* SPDK is currently failing - David Marchand has submitted a patch for
SPDK to correct the failure.
   * Lab does automatically pull the latest LTS release branch of
SPDK, so the new fix just needs to be merged downstream.
   * Other systems in the lab are currently being updated to support
new version of SPDK
* DTS Scatter is failing - Ferruh Yigit has patch 84248 not accepted
into DPDK yet to address this issue
* DPDK unit testing now equivalent to compile testing to prevent
discrepancies between the two.
* Arm hardware is still being set up for running DTS performance tests
   * Working through library needs for the arm machines so DTS will run.
* After 20.11 release, lab needs some support from vendors to help get
finished on a couple of pending items
   * Broadcom 100G card and getting TRex running
   * NXP compile / running using meson build

Intel Lab

* Working on adding some smoke tests to follow the compile testing.
These are based on running some of the DTS tests. Aiming to keep the
running time to around 5 minutes per patch set.

Test Development

* Tech Board is planning to look into future plans in December, once
the 20.11 release is done.

Any other business

* Next Meeting: December 3, 2020

Lincoln Lavoie
Senior Engineer, Broadband Technologies
21 Madbury Rd., Ste. 100, Durham, NH 03824
lylavoie at iol.unh.edu
+1-603-674-2755 (m)

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