Community CI Testing Meeting Minutes - December 2, 2021

Lincoln Lavoie lylavoie at
Thu Dec 2 19:54:47 CET 2021

DPDK Community CI Meeting Minutes

Dec 2, 2021


1. Lincoln Lavoie
2. Aaron Conole
3. Ashley Weltz
4. Juraj Linkeš
5. David Machand
6. Lijuan Tu
7. Ali Alnubani
8. Thomas
9. Michael Santana


1. General Announcements
2. CI Status
3. Test Development
4. Any other business


General Announcements

* ABI Status - Clear to re-enable based on 21.11?
** Ready to go, so we’ll get this re-enabled and reporting again.
** 2.0 version of the libabigal may have issues, don’t upgrade.
* Retesting triggers - Update from Ali on the email list, can’t add new
events patchworks, because it would break the future migrations (i.e. local
DB changes would be required).  Need to develop a script to “watch” and
parse emails from form the list, output could be a simple “page” that lists
retests “jobs” for the labs to poll.  We would then develop the polling
scripts that can be run by the lab to watch the jobs pages.  Both should be
provided as part of the dpdk-ci tools set.  Lincoln will write this up as a
task for 2022 development.
* The Link to this document (minutes) will change for 2022, to start a new
document for the year.  We’ve seen ever growing Google documents slow way

CI Status

UNH-IOL Community Lab

* UNH-IOL will be shut down for holiday closure December 24, 2021,
returning January 3, 2022.
* Spell check test updated to test patches, submitted to DPDK main:
** Dictionary and exclusions regex are still within the control of the
developers with this approach.
** Once merged into DPDK main, we will re-enable the testing, with warning
status reporting.
** Thomas will kick off a discussion on email about the dictionary approach.
* Arm cross-compile and testing jobs all running in production now: aarch64
clang compile and unit testing, clang cross-compile x86_65 -> aarch64, and
gcc cross-compile x86_64 -> aarch32
* SPDK testing is still disabled, waiting on their “catch up to the DPDK
21.11 changes.
* FIPS is still in progress.
* Started working on DTS VirtIO.  Part of this work will standardize the VM
and contribute that back to DTS.  Ideally, this would be a cloud-init to
“build” the VM when needed and could be maintained within the DTS code
base.  To start, we may post the VM disk-image for community download.
* Lab would like to plan downtime for the week of December 6, 2021,
possibly stretching into the week of December 13, so we can upgrade /
update core infrastructure operating systems and services.  This will slow
down or impact testing and reporting.
** Group agreed with the approach.
** UNH-IOL will keep the CI listed updated with status as this moves
* Alert for CI “offline” event for the UNH-IOL dashboard (testing remainded
** Over the course of 11 minutes 25 seconds, there were 240 requests for
specific patch set details (i.e. what would show up for clicking a patchset
on the dashboard).  The patch sets ranged from 19767 to 19821 for a total
of 30 patches, so many requests were made multiple times.  The IP source
ranged from to, so it seems like it was a
company's corporate NAT (they looked to rotate in roughly round robin).
Given these are older patches (i.e. not currently on the dashboard first
page) and given the very specific URL query, I don't think this was a bot
or search engine, it seems more likely this was a community member trying
to script something against the dashboard.  The dashboard is definitely not
built to handle that load / speed of requests, given the resources we've
allocated towards the VM (nor do I believe it should be sized to deal with
that load), since it's intention is to be a developer (human) resource.
When the load was removed, the service recovered automatically.

Intel Lab

* Lab migration for 21.11 release updates, planning for around the end of
December, once the LTS validation is done.  Lab will have downtime during
this time for the functional testing, compile testing will have less
downtime.  This should take about 3 weeks total. UNH-IOL and Intel should
avoid overlapping downtime if possible.

Github Actions / OBS

* No updates.

Test Development

* DTS Improvements team is planning to present to the larger DTS community
on December 15, 2021.  Be on the lookout for the meeting invite.

Any other business
* Next Meeting: December 16, 2021
* What to do for the December 30, 2021 meeting?
   * We will cancel this meeting.
* First 2022 meeting: January 6, 2022, following a two week cadence after

*Lincoln Lavoie*
Principal Engineer, Broadband Technologies
21 Madbury Rd., Ste. 100, Durham, NH 03824
lylavoie at
+1-603-674-2755 (m)

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