Community CI Meeting Minutes - September 29, 2022

Lincoln Lavoie lylavoie at
Thu Sep 29 19:12:41 CEST 2022

September 29, 2022


1. Lincoln Lavoie
2. Patrick Robb
3. Nathan Southern
4. David Marchand
5. Bruce Richardson
6. Adam Hassick
7. Kevin Traynor
8. Juraj Linkeš
9. Thomas Monjalon


1. General Announcements
2. CI Status
3. DTS Improvements & Test Development
4. Any other business


General Announcements

* Call for nominations for the next DPDK governing board chair.  Process is

CI Status


* Meson upgrade planning, aiming to roll this out in the beginning of
October.  New version would be 0.53. This will require all labs to ensure
they are able to update. Patch is:
Lincoln will send an email to the Intel team, CC Thomas, Aaron and Michael,
waiting on confirmation from all to merge.

UNH-IOL Community Lab

* Patrick Robb has joined the UNH-IOL team, and will be helping with the
management of the DPDK community lab.
* Owen completed the initial patch that will submit the containers builder
to the dpdk-ci.  Currently with Aaron for an initial review, before
submitting up to the email list.
* Debian (last two LTS releases) have been added to the compile / unit
testing / (ABI is still disabled for main).
* Dell has now been actively working with the lab to resolve issues with
the traffic generator server for the Ampere Altra (aarch64) test system.
Stability testing of the server / solution is aiming to complete on Monday,
as soon as that work is completed, we’ll work on bringing those systems
* Team is looking into the solution to provide the “status badge” to
patchworks for the Arch Linux OS  build status.  Current badges are
“embedded” images in the status bar, loaded from the provider. In this
model, the image would be loaded from the UNH CI site, and we need to make
sure this adds a minimal amount of response latency.  We could explore
hosting the badge graphics at a common location, if other labs are
interested in listing a similar testing outcome. That system / host will
need to provide the lab(s) an API to toggle the badge status as needed.
There may also be existing cloud systems that could assist with badge
generation / hosting.
* Devs agreed on the LTS approach / naming for the stable/staging branches.
This is next up in the work queue, assuming no major changes are requested
to the container patch (see above).  Other labs might also be able to track
those branches. Need to ensure the staging branches only run tests on new
pushes, while the LTS branches can continue with nightly testing.
* Linux Foundation needs the 2023 SOW, to begin the internal LF budget

Intel Lab

* No Updates

Github Actions

* DPDK stable repo mirror was set up for Github, for testing the staging

DTS Improvements & Test Development

* The DTS WG team has received good feedback on the SSH connection patch.
New patch version has been submitted to helpfully address all the comments
thus far. Review requested for this new version.
* The DTS WG team is considering setting up an alternating call schedule,
using the same time slot as the DTS call, that gives a pseudo-weekly call
(between both meetings).  We’ll work with the LF folks to get the call
invite / schedule out to the participants.

Any other business

* Next CI meeting: October 13, 2022

*Lincoln Lavoie*
Principal Engineer, Broadband Technologies
21 Madbury Rd., Ste. 100, Durham, NH 03824
lylavoie at
+1-603-674-2755 (m)
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