|WARNING| pw108599 [PATCH v4] net/bonding: another fix to LACP mempool size

checkpatch at dpdk.org checkpatch at dpdk.org
Tue Mar 8 15:25:02 CET 2022

Test-Label: checkpatch
Test-Status: WARNING

_coding style issues_

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'slave' may be misspelled - perhaps 'secondary'?
The following log message may appear after a slave is idle(or nearly

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'chosed' may be misspelled - perhaps 'chose'?
Problem:When bond mode 4 has been chosed and delicated queue has

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'slave' may be misspelled - perhaps 'secondary'?
not been enable, all mbufs from a slave' private pool(used

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'slave' may be misspelled - perhaps 'secondary'?
Solution: Ensure that each slave'tx (LACPDU) mempool owns more than

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'fuction' may be misspelled - perhaps 'function'?
Note that the LACP tx machine fuction is the only code that allocates

WARNING:TYPO_SPELLING: 'slave' may be misspelled - perhaps 'secondary'?
from a slave's private pool. It runs in the context of the interrupt

WARNING:FROM_SIGN_OFF_MISMATCH: From:/Signed-off-by: email address mismatch: 'From: Gaoxiang Liu <gaoxiangliu0 at 163.com>' != 'Signed-off-by: Gaoxiang Liu <liugaoxiang at huawei.com>'

total: 0 errors, 7 warnings, 30 lines checked

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