[dpdk-users] pktgen - IP address randomness

Shyam Shrivastav shrivastav.shyam at gmail.com
Tue May 23 07:16:52 CEST 2017

Sometime back I used lua in moongen to continuously generate ip:tcp packets
with random ip src and random tcp src/dst ports. Here is the corresponding
lua script fragment, don't know how much useful it can be with pktgen as I
have not looked at or used pktgen till now but just in case ...

                        x1 = math.random(1,254);
                        x2 = math.random(1,254);
                        x3 = math.random(1,254);
                        x4 = math.random(1,254);
                        p1 = math.random(1025,65534);
                        p2 = math.random(1025,65534);
                        pkt.ip.src:set(x1*256*256*256 + x2*256*256 + x3*256
+ x4)

On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 5:01 AM, Chris Hall <chris.hall at stackpath.com>

> Hello,
> pktgen-3.2.4
> I Looking to get as much randomness out of src ip’s as possible. Using
> this config in lua…
>         pktgen.src_ip('0', 'start',"");
>         pktgen.src_ip('0', 'min', "");
>         pktgen.src_ip('0', 'max', "");
>         pktgen.src_ip('0', 'inc', "");
> running a packet capture of 5Million packets on the receiving host,
> parsing the pcap file, based on source ip, seems I can only get about 32769
> uniq ip's, (each connected about 150 times).
> As a comparison I used hping3 with --rand-source option (5million packets)
> I can get about 4942744 uniq ip’s.
> Is there a configure option(s) somewhere that could be tuned for more
> randomness or is the above parms just wrong ?
> Thanks much.
>   *   Chris

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