[dts] [PATCH] Add parse option module in DTS tools

Yong Liu yong.liu at intel.com
Tue Aug 11 03:46:07 CEST 2015

From: Marvin Liu <yong.liu at intel.com>

This module support new simple way to interact with user. Now it support
several types of inputs like  "string", "int", "bool", "chice", "multichoice".
With these inputs, user can chose in several options or just keyboard the

Signed-off-by: Marvin Liu <yong.liu at intel.com>

diff --git a/tools/parse_opt.py b/tools/parse_opt.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e433d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/parse_opt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+import sys
+import os.path
+import re
+def RED(text):
+    return "\x1B[" + "31;1m" + str(text) + "\x1B[" + "0m"
+def GREEN(text):
+    return "\x1B[" + "32;1m" + str(text) + "\x1B[" + "0m"
+OPTION_TYPES = ['string', 'ip', 'int', 'bool', 'choice', 'multichoice']
+class Option(object):
+    def __init__(self, **args):
+        self.args = args
+        if 'prompt' in args.keys():
+            self.prompt = args['prompt'] + ': '
+        else:
+            self.prompt = "Please input value: "
+        if 'type' in args.keys():
+            opt_type = args['type']
+            if opt_type not in OPTION_TYPES:
+                print RED('Invalid option type!!!')
+                raise ValueError
+            else:
+                self.opt_type = opt_type
+        else:
+            self.opt_type = 'string'
+        if self.opt_type == 'bool':
+            self.prompt += '[Yes/No]'
+        if 'help' in args.keys():
+            self.help_msg = args['help']
+        else:
+            self.help_msg = ''
+        if 'options' in args.keys():
+            self.opts = args['options']
+        if 'default' in args.keys():
+            self.default_value = args['default']
+            self.prompt += ' Default is [%s]' % self.default_value
+        else:
+            self.default_value = ''
+        if self.check_args() is False:
+            raise ValueError
+        self.prompt += '->'
+    def check_args(self):
+        if self.opt_type == 'choice':
+            if 'options' not in self.args.keys():
+                print RED("Choice option request options list!!!")
+                return False
+            if type(self.opts) != list:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def __print_options(self):
+        index = 0
+        for opt in self.opts:
+            print GREEN("%2d: %s" % (index, str(opt)))
+            index += 1
+    def parse_input(self):
+        parse_done = False
+        print GREEN(self.help_msg)
+        while not parse_done:
+            try:
+                if self.opt_type == 'choice' or self.opt_type == 'multichoice':
+                    self.__print_options()
+                input_val = raw_input(self.prompt)
+                if input_val == '':
+                    input_val = self.default_value
+                    print GREEN("Chose default [%s]" % input_val)
+                if self.opt_type == 'int':
+                    self.value = int(input_val)
+                elif self.opt_type == 'bool':
+                    opt = input_val.upper()
+                    if opt not in ['YES', 'NO']:
+                        raise ValueError
+                    if opt == 'YES':
+                        self.value = True
+                    elif opt == 'NO':
+                        self.value = False
+                elif self.opt_type == 'string':
+                    self.value = input_val
+                elif self.opt_type == 'choice':
+                    try:
+                        index = int(input_val)
+                    except:
+                        print RED("Invalid option index!!!")
+                        raise ValueError
+                    if index >= len(self.opts):
+                        print RED("Choice index should be 0-%d!!!"
+                                  % len(self.opts))
+                        raise ValueError
+                    self.value = self.opts[index]
+                    self.choice = index
+                elif self.opt_type == 'multichoice':
+                    if input_val == 'all':
+                        self.value = self.opts
+                        break
+                    try:
+                        sel_indexs = []
+                        sel_options = []
+                        input_val.strip()
+                        input_arrs = input_val.split(',')
+                        for sel_index in input_arrs:
+                            if '-' in sel_index:
+                                indexs = sel_index.split('-')
+                                start = int(indexs[0])
+                                end = int(indexs[1])
+                                if end <= start:
+                                    print RED("Choice end number must be "
+                                              "larger than start number!!!")
+                                    raise ValueError
+                                for index in range(start, end + 1):
+                                    sel_indexs.append(index)
+                            else:
+                                index = int(sel_index)
+                                sel_indexs.append(index)
+                        # sorted list
+                        sel_indexs = list(set(sorted(sel_indexs)))
+                        for index in sel_indexs:
+                            if index >= len(self.opts):
+                                print RED("Choice index should be 0-%d!!!"
+                                          % len(self.opts))
+                            sel_options.append(self.opts[index])
+                        self.value = sel_options
+                    except:
+                        print RED("Invalid option!!!")
+                        raise ValueError
+                elif self.opt_type == 'ip':
+                    ip_reg = r'\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}'
+                    m = re.match(ip_reg, input_val)
+                    if m:
+                        self.value = input_val
+                    else:
+                        raise ValueError
+            except Exception as e:
+                if type(e) is ValueError:
+                    print "Options parse failure"
+                    continue
+            parse_done = True
+        print ('')
+        return self.value
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    option = {'prompt': 'first option',
+              'type': 'string', 'help': 'help message',
+              'default': 'DEFAULT'}
+    string_opt = Option(**option)
+    print string_opt.parse_input()
+    option = {'prompt': 'bool option', 'type': 'bool',
+              'help': 'bool option [Yes/No] only',
+              'default': 'No'}
+    bool_opt = Option(**option)
+    print bool_opt.parse_input()
+    option = {'prompt': 'choice option', 'type': 'choice',
+              'help': 'choice option in [1, 2 ,3]',
+              'options': ['option1', 'option2', 'option3'],
+              'default': '0'}
+    choice_opt = Option(**option)
+    print choice_opt.parse_input()
+    option = {'prompt': 'multichoice option', 'type': 'multichoice',
+              'help': 'mutli choice option in [1, 2 ,3]',
+              'options': ['option1', 'option2', 'option3'],
+              'default': '0'}
+    multichoice_opt = Option(**option)
+    print multichoice_opt.parse_input()

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