[dts] [PATCH] Add qemu option support in virtualization framework

Yong Liu yong.liu at intel.com
Mon Jul 6 07:49:09 CEST 2015

From: Marvin Liu <yong.liu at intel.com>

This option support manually configure qemu emulator path.
Remove unused debug code.
Signed-off-by: Marvin Liu <yong.liu at intel.com>

diff --git a/framework/qemu_kvm.py b/framework/qemu_kvm.py
index 20a1df4..c04b61f 100644
--- a/framework/qemu_kvm.py
+++ b/framework/qemu_kvm.py
@@ -151,19 +151,25 @@ class QEMUKvm(VirtBase):
         Set the qemu emulator in the specified path explicitly.
-        qemu_emulator_path = str(qemu_emulator_path)
         out = self.host_session.send_expect(
-            'ls %s' % qemu_emulator_path, '[.*')
+            'ls %s' % qemu_emulator_path, '# ')
         if 'No such file or directory' in out:
             self.host_logger.error("No emulator [ %s ] on the DUT [ %s ]" %
-                                   (qemu_emulator, self.host_dut.get_ip_address()))
+                                   (qemu_emulator_path, self.host_dut.get_ip_address()))
             return None
         out = self.host_session.send_expect("[ -x %s ];echo $?" % qemu_emulator_path, '# ')
-        if out == '1':
+        if out != '0':
             self.host_logger.error("Emulator [ %s ] not executable on the DUT [ %s ]" %
-                                   (qemu_emulator, self.host_dut.get_ip_address()))
+                                   (qemu_emulator_path, self.host_dut.get_ip_address()))
             return None
-        self.qemu_emulator = qemu_emulator
+        self.qemu_emulator = qemu_emulator_path
+    def add_vm_qemu(self, **options):
+        """
+        path: absolute path for qemu emulator
+        """
+        if 'path' in options.keys():
+            self.set_qemu_emulator(options['path'])
     def has_virtual_ability(self):

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